Text to Speech Software : Computer Speaks What You Type

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday`s post was about How can you talk with your Computer like Iron Man`s Jarvis which is a easiest and free way to make your computer talk with you.

Today, I will tell you how to make your computer speak what you type.
You will type a text and your computer will speak it for you.

How good is it our computer speaks it loud for us what we type?

cool! Let`s have a look .

Make Computer Speak using Narrator : 

You all are familier with  "  Microsoft Narrator " -a windows free tool to narrate.

  • Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Ease of access >> Narrator

Make computer Speak using Narrator Image

Narrator speaks aloud what is on screen as you navigate using the keyboard.This is a free tool which speaks with your typing what you type using the keyboard .

But what then ?
When we have a long sentence and want our computer to speak it for us?

Make an App in Notepad to Make computer Speak what you type :

It`s also not so difficult, what you have to do is only to make a simple translator software yourself.

That is a very easy task for you as the code is provided below.

  • Open Notepad ( Start >>All Programs>>Accessories>>Notepad )
  • Copy and Paste the following code :

     Dim message, sapi

   message=InputBox("Write or Paste in the Box","I will Speak for you ")
   Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
   sapi.Speak message

Check it in the Image.It must be similar :

App code to make computer speak what you type  Image
Click on Image to Zoom

  • Now Save it as Speak.vbs ( .vbs extension is necessary )
  • Now you have Done. Open Speak.vbs and Use.

This will be look like this :

Text to speech software to make computer speak what you type Image

That`s it.

Suggestions are welcomed. Further Queries will be resolved.
Let me know how helpful is this by comments.

Have Fun!

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